Re: [-empyre-] Re: semiomorphic..viral...morphisms...Kristeva

dear Alan et al,

you're asking............
- what morphisms?
> I'm thinking of morphism say in category theory or
> the early work of Julia
> Kristeva - one should be able to create and
> manipulate a semiotics of such
> morphisms  

just as a touchstone, here's a quote on the 'shaping'
of subjectivity in Kristeva...

>From Julia Kristeva by John Lechte 
(Lechte quoting Kristeva) 


Rather than being prior to the work of art (whether
literary or not), subjectivity may be seen to be
formed in and through art. Instead of choosing to
produce this or that particular work as a result of
what one is, "the work of art, the production, the
practice in which [the artist] is engaged extends
beyond and reshapes subjectivity." 



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